Mobile Design

The website was built on WordPress, using a custom design theme based on the Twitter Bootstrap responsive framework.

Logo Design

A national insurance firm, The Hauser Group has two main divisions, one handling insurance, the other dealing with M&A Transactions. They wanted their branding to show this separation visually, and we achieved this through the use of colors. While the H icon existed in their previous logo, it was paired with dated, italicized type that didn't work well together. The H icon was modified, the new colors added, and the text updated with a more powerful and corporate block typeface.

Marketing Materials

As Hauser spends a good deal of time preparing documents for their clients, it was imperative that their Word and PowerPoint templates looked absolutely top-notch. As both of these applications are notoriously difficult to deal with, it was important that these documents be easy to use while still maintaining a strong brand identity, which is what we achieved here.

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